For MLK Jr., a question

January 16, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Given how busy every Monday is with writing my weekly natural history column, I wasn't, as is often the case, sure I'd manage to get in a walk, but once the essay—yet another screed against the president-elect (I really have to get a prescription for an anti-anxiety med)—was finished, I headed off to the Babcock Ridge and Henne preserves to trek in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. and the day set aside to honor the slain civil rights leader. King is, no doubt, remembered by most people for his "I have a dream" speech, but another of his dreams was environmental justice. Given my deep fears about backsliding under the upcoming administration, this natural question mark formed of ice seemed especially apt: dear Martin, what would you be thinking about what's to come? What can we do about it? How the hell did we do this to ourselves? Is the nature of the human beast always one step forward, two steps back? And, perhaps most important, can we only take one step back this time... just one small step back?


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