Almost unbelievable colors

October 29, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Crazy fall colorsCrazy fall colors

When I was first learning how to do color-correction—a skill that only digital photography makes possible, since I can't actually see the right colors and so have to rely on understanding what the numbers in a digital read-out are telling me—my mentor, uber-corrector Dan Margulis counseled his acolytes to first get rid of the absolutely unbelievable hues, then fine-tune. It was great advice, and it has served me well. Stoplights are red, water is typically blue, and foliage is green... well, except when it's autumn and colors get lurid, even weird. The beech leaves are non-problematic, for they turn a soft shade of yellow and gold. Those are two colors my eyes can see quite well, so I'm on firm ground here. But the viburnums are, from the numbers, some bizarre shade of purple, a color I've never seen properly. Can I believe the numbers, which are off the foliage chart, or should I tone them down some and figure the camera made a mistake? The leaves just look wrong, but, since I didn't enhance them in any way, maybe nature, and a large dose of the plant pigment anthocyanin, is engaging in a little over-the-top creativity.


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