Hummingbird clearwing moth
National Moth Week, the celebration of those butterflies that work the night shift, got under way on Saturday, and since there are no public events planned nearby to honor these wonderful critters, I'll just have to hold my own Moth Night. Of course, for much of the warmer-weather parts of the year, every night is moth night by the lights of my kitchen porch. But not all of these lepidopterans are nocturnal. The hummingbird sphinx moths, aptly named because of their bird-like behavior, are definitely day-active, and if you are able to shoot fast enough, you can stop their wings in mid-stroke and see why they're called clearwings. F/8 at 1/4000 of a second did the trick as this Hummingbird Clearwing (Hemaris thysbe) deftly worked the pickerel weed blossoms.