Woody underwing Some days, it's relatively easy to pick an image to post and talk about in this humble blog, but today is not one of them. I shot, in four different locations, hundreds of pictures, and there were some pretty decent contenders in the collection. In the end, however, and mostly to honor the finale of National Moth Week, I opted for this shot of an intriguing underwing moth that appeared at the kitchen porch lights. In contrast to the Epione underwing featured in my entry on 23 July, this moth has hind wings adorned with black and golden yellow; the Epione had black and white hind wings. It took some study to figure out the identity of my visitor, but, thanks to the new edition of the Peterson Field Guide to Moths of Northeastern North America, I determined that it was a Woody underwing (Catocala grynea), a common and small member of the clan.