I don't like to boast, and I'm sure that other photographers have similar, and better shots, but man, when I saw this on the screen, I let out a whoop of joy. From this past May, the first time I spotted dragonflies in the air, through the entire summer, when I've been out in the field almost daily, I've been trying to get pictures of odonates in flight. It isn't easy, and I have lots of somewhat-to-very blurry attempts that attest to just how tricky the challenge is. This one, however, an obliging Slaty Skimmer that hovered long enough for autofocus to lock in, worked. All those near-misses have been worth this one moment of near-sublime joy. And now that I know it can be done—well, that I can do it—I'll have to do it again. The dragonfly migration season is, after all, approaching, and soon enough, there'll be all those large odonates in the air: perfect photographic targets.In flight