Juvenal's Duskywing
While my eyes and ears have been drawn to the treetops in the endless hope of spotting and photographing warblers, I also spend lots of time at ground level, in the hope of spotting dragonflies and damselflies. The odonates, however, are taking their time about appearing—no doubt, the persistent chill has had something to do with their reluctance—but there have been plenty of new butterflies showing up. This one is a duskywing, an early flying member of a butterfly family known as the skippers. Collectively, the Hesperiidae, writes Jeffrey Glassberg in Butterflies Through Binoculars, "can be the agony and ecstasy of butterflying." They're hard to identify, duskywings especially, but joyous when you succeed. This one is in the joyous category... I think: a commoner known as the Juvenal's Duskywing, or, at least, a member of the group that includes Erynnis juvenalis and its hard-to-separate cousins.