Hopeful nectarines

April 30, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Nectarine blossomsNectarine blossoms

We got a little glimpse of sun this morning, and since heavy rain is forecast for later today and tomorrow, I wanted to photograph the fleeting display of glorious flowers on the nectarine before the blossoms disappeared. This little tree always puts on a fine floral show, and the sight of all those blooms, heavy with pollen and the promise of luscious fruit, never fails to fill me with hope. Alas, like all too many things in this life, it's hope that is likely to go unfulfilled. I've tried to go easy on spraying the tree, and in response to my organic intentions, the nectarine has, so far, never failed to put forth a crop of fruit that succumbs to a plethora of fungal infections, particularly one ghastly ailment called Brown Rot. I should probably spray the living daylights out of the plant and see if that results in good looking fruit. Maybe pesticide-free isn't possible, and perhaps such a crop wouldn't be too poisonous. I'm afraid that if I don't act aggressively, the only harvest will be beautiful flowers. I really would like more.


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