I only had time for a short walk this morning, so, instead of taking a right at the bottom of my country road, I took a left. That was a lucky turn. For no sooner had I started looking at the thicket guarding a small apple tree than a Yellowthroat—a perky warbler with the namesake throat and breast and a black mask—popped out of the underbrush and started to sing. Its call, typically translated as "witchety, witchety, witchety, witch," was one of the first bird songs I ever learned, and I've never forgotten it. Not, of course, that I'd ever have the opportunity to: Yellowthroats are very common around here, and even if they don't make themselves apparent to the eyes, they're frequently putting on a concert. After this fearless performer made sure he was both seen and heard, he cocked his jaunty tail then vanished into the safety of the shrubs and vines.