another Delta-spotted
I don't normally like to do this—reprise a species—but I was hiking once again through the Bell Cedar Swamp refuge near my house, and though my objective was to capture pictures of a group of dragonflies that on an earlier mission had kept landing on me, I happened upon this fine fellow instead. This is a Delta-spotted Spiketail, the beautiful species I found and wrote about a couple of days ago, but while the first one stayed in place but briefly while it munched on what I think was a cranefly, this Spiketail posed and posed and posed. I was even able to approach it quite closely: this shot is from about six inches away and uses the macro function on my Fuji waterproof camera. I liked the image so much that I thought I'd offer it in the spirit of the best-photo-of-the-day. I doubt I'll ever do much better.