Not hardly nevermore

June 21, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Unexpected ravenUnexpected raven

In the classic Edgar Allen Poe poem about the raven, the dark bird of doom is quoted as saying "nevermore" over and over. That pretty much sums up the likelihood you'll see a raven in these parts. The large corvids may be relatively common in the north and along the Appalachians, but around here, the only time I ever spot one is during very rare encounters in spring and fall migration flights. Today, the first day of summer, I should only have been seeing and hearing crows, which is why, when I got out of the car after a trip to the dump, I was startled to hear a raven's distinctive deep-voiced call coming from the leafy shelter of the trees. It was followed by several responses, and in short order, one of the handsome, smart birds flew close enough that I could photograph that characteristic wedge-shaped tail and powerful bill. I don't know what they're doing here, but I can't help but wonder if they're nesting around the rugged slopes and forests in the Lantern Hill area, where I was about to start a post-landfill hike. Later, at the summit of the hill, I spotted another raven in the pines and watched one soaring overhead. This bears watching, since they're supposed to breed elsewhere. Maybe "nevermore" is no longer correct.


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