Surprise Indigo

June 28, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

It was a perfect morning for walking... and for surprises. Along the edge of the mill pond, I heard several noisy, and vaguely familiar, birds chattering and singing away. The song was sweet, a series of whistled, paired phrases, and there were at least several birds singing together, One popped obligingly out of its hiding place in a thicket, and with the light quite strong, I was easily able to get a quick picture. When I examined the capture, I instantly knew the bird's identity. It was an Indigo Bunting—a "scrap of sky with wings," according to the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology website—and a bird I hadn't seen in years. There used to be Indigos nesting in various hedgerows nearby, but then the owners of those perfect hiding places cut them down. The sky scraps went elsewhere. Perhaps they've been by the pond all along. It's perfect habitat for a perfectly gorgeous bird.


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