Roadside seediness

September 26, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Milkweed pods and seedsMilkweed pods and seeds

The rain gods doled out a little gift last night, and when today dawned with a sharper, less summery chill, there was about 0.3 inches of water in the gauge. That's only enough to hold down the dust, but it's a start, and maybe it's the beginning of the end of the weird weather that's threatening to turn us into a desert. We certainly hope so. The arrival of less humid air put me in a more energetic mood, and, with a lot of writing completed, I rewarded myself with a long bike ride. It felt a little like fall, and it certainly looked the part, with many trees starting to turn color. These milkweeds are feeling the change, too, and they're beginning to open their pods and release their sail-equipped seeds. In short order, the migrating birds, butterflies, dragonflies, and other travelers will have company in the air—seeds that catch the breezes and, with any luck, ride the wind to new and good growing areas.


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