The swarm

September 16, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Late afternoon insect swarmLate afternoon insect swarm

It was a warm, late-summer day, and, alas, another indoor-work day, mostly on writing, so my walking had to be curtailed in favor of doing things that paid the bills. So it goes. And by the later part of the afternoon, I had to head into town to do the shopping. But as I drove down our back-country road, I noticed, over the development-doomed field across the way, a huge feeding swarm of big dragonflies, in all likelihood Common Green Darners. For as long as I've lived here, now almost 30 years, the Common Greens have gathered in this meadow at about this time to fatten up before heading south to our beaches, then following the coast south to their migratory haunts, perhaps in the mid-Atlantic states. (Precisely where remains a mystery.) But I've never quite seen what the odes were feeding on. With the low sun providing a great back-light, I finally spotted what was attracting the dragonflies: a huge cloud of tiny insects, probably midges or something similar. I pulled the car off to the side of the road, got out my camera, watched and photographed, and marveled.


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