An unexpected snow

January 09, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

A wall in snowA wall in snow

It was a bit warmer this morning, with the temperature in the upper teens, but the sky was dark gray and foreboding. The forecast, however, called for just a dusting of snow, so I wasn't at all concerned with the piles of wood that remained to be moved. No doubt, I'd get a chance to do the job in the afternoon. With that certainty, I settled into enjoying a cup of coffee and catching up on e-mail. I'd been at the task for about five minutes when I happened to look up from the screen and outside, where the conditions had quickly gone from placid to white-out, brown leaves to a white blanket. As the snow fell fast, I put on winter gear, grabbed the weatherproof camera, and headed outdoors to document the surprise storm.  I caught an image of this wall before it started to disappear. As for the disappearing piles of wood, well, maybe I'd harvest them when—and if—the fabled January thaw arrived later in the month. Or maybe in the spring.


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