Cold start to new year
My plan, hatched when I actually managed to stay up long enough to watch the ball drop in Times Square and sing a chorus of Auld Lang Syne, was to go to sleep soon thereafter and wake up early enough to photograph the sunrise. This would have given me a nice, symbolic yin and yang for the end of 2014 and the start of 2015. It was a great idea, but, given the trauma we've just been through, it didn't happen. I slept through dawn. Good for me... I needed it. I got up around eight, and though it was quite bright outside, it was very cold: around 14 for the low, and not showing much sign of warming. There was a very photogenic display of frost and ice crystals on the leaves as I hiked through the doomed field, the first trek of the year, and while it's not the image I intended, it will do. It's a start.