Empty nest syndrome

January 20, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Mystery bird's nestMystery bird's nest

One of the great joys of roaming the woods during the winter is the chance to spot things that I'd searched in vain for in warmer weather: to wit, bird's nests. Of course, not being able to find them during the nesting season is precisely the point—if I can't locate them, neither can predators and parasites. Anonymity is, among nesters, key to successfully raising a brood. I'm guessing this mud, twig, and leaf classic was probably crafted by one of the thrushes, most likely members of the Wood Thrush clan whose flute-like songs delighted me throughout much of the summer. I'd spot the warm-brown birds with their bold, speckled breasts from time to time, and though I suspected they had to be nesting in our woods, I never once spotted a Wood Thrush nursery. Turns out it was only about ten feet above my head, but so well-hidden by leaves that I completely missed it. The folks and, I hope, their offspring, are currently enjoying life in the tropics. I wonder if they miss their temporary home.


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