Cape Cod in ice
There was rain in the immediate forecast, so I headed out armed only with my waterproof Fuji which, although I haven't had the nerve to go diving with it—and I won't even be attempting to do so until at least June—has proven its mettle in inclement weather numerous times. The images it grabs are not, to be sure. always DSLR quality, but the little guy laughs at conditions under which the Nikon would stay at home, so, overall, I'm darn pleased to have the Fuji in my photography toolbox. This morning, with a cold rain beginning to pelt down, I walked over to the upper falls of Spaulding Pond to see just how much winter had taken hold. The answer was: Some, but not all that much. There was still plenty of unfrozen water coming over the dam and downstream, but along the edges of the rocks, there was clear evidence of recent freezes. I'm always looking for patterns in the ice, and here, serendipitously, was a map of Cape Cod. I captured it quickly. There's a hint of a thaw in the offing. This cape won't last long.
{Quick note: I don't know why the image didn't join the text in the original post. These things happen, I guess, so here's the Cape in question.]