No trespassing—with teeth

January 16, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Ice teethIce teeth

The day's a little warmer, with the barest hint of a thaw in the chilly air, but I'm keeping my parka within close range, and I haven't yet gone through the day without long underwear. And tonight, it's supposed to be in the single digits, so, long-range predictions of warmth or not, I'll be cranking up both wood stoves in short order. That said, it was not a bad day to walk, so I headed off to the millpond waterfall and into the backwoods to see what insults various minor developers had visited on the landscape. There were signs of log-skidder activity, but nothing worse, save along the path that I've hiked for my 30-plus-year tenure in the neighborhood. The gentleman across the river who bought a stretch of real estate on this side, the cliff side, has festooned it with Private Property warning signs. From the cliff-face crags, he's ordained that the rocks should bear menacing ice fangs to ward off "tresspassers". So much for neighborliness.


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