Leaf-fall path

October 26, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Leaf drop pathLeaf drop path

There are still plenty of brightly colored leaves on the trees, and, in places, a considerable number of stubbornly green ones, but the majority of hardwoods are now past peak and there's a steady rain of spent foliage descending to the ground. The old paths are covered with leaves, many of which have retained their stunning hues, so the drab ground has become a colorful Jacob's coat—but one composed of pointillistic dots rather than stripes. I scuff my way along the trails and scatter leaves this way and that. I take as many pictures as I can, knowing full well that in short order, particularly if it rains anytime soon, the color will soon disappear. Not long after that, the leaves themselves will begin the decay process that will eventually convert them into nutrients and soil. This year's photosynthesis factories are next year's fertilizer. So goes the cycle.



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