Odonate high tea

October 15, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Meadowhawk dining, homeMeadowhawk dining, home

The afternoons have been deliciously warm, and though I'm still not at my best, healthwise—both physical and emotional—I have let my body and spirit give in to the genuine pleasures of walking and recording what I encounter. This meadowhawk dragonfly appeared on a leaf, and while I watched, it rocketed up into the air and snagged what appears to be a cranefly. The successful hunter then landed back on the same leaf and settled in to dining. Members of the odonate genus Sympetrum are often next to impossible to identify to the species level, but my guess is that this one, based on the date and a few characteristics—the eye color, abdomen pattern, and wing stigmas, in particular—is probably an Autumn Meadowhawk. To be certain, I'd have to do some serious collecting, study, and, no doubt, comparisons with museum specimens. I know I really should do this, but for now, I'm content to simply photograph and let the meadowhawks who were good enough to grace my lens live on to hunt another day.


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