Waterfall return, foliage fade

November 11, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Waterfall renewal, SpauldingWaterfall renewal, Spaulding

In the afternoon, the sun put in a return appearance, and, with the morning toil out of the way, I hit the trail, non-waterproof camera in hand. It remained unusually warm, and, lightly dressed, I wanted to put some mileage on my legs. I also wanted to see if the modest rainfall had had any impact on the local waterfalls that had almost disappeared a week or so earlier. I heard a little trickle before I actually arrived at the scene, and when I rounded the bend and stood on the bridge looking south at the stone dam, sure enough, there was the familiar splashing and gurgling of falling water. It wasn't much, to be sure, but it was a start... a welcome start. Beyond the dam, the last hardwoods had almost finished shedding their leaves. The foliage season was just about over. Indian Summer would soon be history. I'd better start really preparing for what will be coming next. Well, maybe tomorrow.


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