Bottoming out

February 16, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Today's very lowToday's very low

Winter Storm Neptune is taking its last gasps in the Maritimes, but, while the snow is over here, the wind continues to howl and the temperature is bone-chilling low—about as close to Arctic conditions as we get. I toyed with walking, just for the experience, but, thank God and good sense for deadlines, I had a project that had to be completed, so the farthest I got from the house was a trek to view the min/max thermometer. Officially, the National Weather Service has issued a "Wind Chill Warning" that advised the unwary to stay indoors; don't do anything stupid, like going outside; and for God's sake, Don't Put Your Tongue on that Pump Handle. I'd venture forth later, when the wind calmed, but this morning, I trekked to the wood pile and the "weather station." Eight below, again. Definitely a two-stove day, all day.


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