Don't call this home

March 23, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Red-shouldered taking flightRed-shouldered taking flight

If luck were with me, I'd have had my camera handy when our local Red-shouldered Hawk appeared this morning to display his flight skills about 10 yards above my head. He was calling loudly—I had gone out to the woodpile, sans dSLR—and my guess was that the show was for the benefit of his mate, who had to be close by. Of course when I went inside to retrieve the camera, the RSH had vanished, but in a couple of minutes, I heard him across the street, where he was flying along the edge of the doomed field. His calls were being answered by those of another RSH, which I guessed was his "missus." Since I fear that these trees will soon be history—the cursed developer who now owns the property will no doubt be destroying it to save it—I was sorely tempted to put the birds to flight away from these killing fields, well, fields destined to be killed. Maybe the male hawk felt my concern and decided to head elsewhere. I can only hope that the birds will be able to find a safe tree in which to nest. I'm offering.


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