March flood at Yannatos
A recent spell of rain and relative warmth has put winter on notice that the vernal equinox is around the corner and, well, enough already... it's time for growing season weather. But given how much snow was on the ground and how much water that represented, folks were more than a little nervous about the possibilities of major floods if everything melted at once. Fortunately for the wet-basement clan, the cold season's leave-taking has been more or less sensible: somewhat above freezing temperatures by day, but cold enough at night to prevent a watery disaster. That said, there's been some minor flooding. The stone bridge that leads to the interior of a nearby refuge is now impassable. This is a nuisance, albeit a very temporary one. I'm guessing that within a week, I'll once again be able to hike this route. In the meanwhile, I'll just find another place to explore.