Big mac night
The first Spotted Salamanders, a.k.a. "macs"—a reference to their Latin name, Ambystoma maculatum—came out on the night of the Fourth, and they've been in evidence during the day and after dark ever since. I've found lots of spermatophores, the packets of sperm the males deposit in hopes of getting a female interested in taking into her reproductive tract, and, as clear evidence of male persuasive success, I found a couple of salamander egg masses. Because I was having trouble photographing the Big Macs while they were in the water, I opted to put one on the leaf litter for a portrait opportunity. The "spottie"—another common name for the species—was less than happy about posing, so I had to work fast as the amphibian reoriented itself and sniffed the air for the telltale aroma of water. Once the salamander detected liquid, he was submerged in a flash... and back to serious business.