Bloodroot emerging

April 16, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

First BloodrootFirst Bloodroot

I can't say for sure that the white wildflower known as Bloodroot emerged from wintersleep today, because I wasn't here yesterday to search for it. But I can say that I've been looking at the leaf litter for the past week and I hadn't noticed any member of the Sanguinaria canadensis clan until this morning. As is usually the case with the wildlings known as "spring ephemerals," they are quick to rise out of the ground, and pretty fast to get through the bloom season.  They've just come into their glory and the local bees are very happy for it. However, if the weather turns sour and cold and the pollinators go back into hiding, the Bloodroot is prepared for the insult. The species is happiest when cross-pollinated by bees, but if insects are unavailable, the flowers close in on themselves and self-pollinate. The fall-back position works just fine. Evolution is no slouch in the Plan B department.


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