NoAprilFool's primrose
The destruction down the road will result in lots of collateral damage, but one thing I'm trying to minimize is the impact of the so-called "development" on me—more specifically, on this humble blog. One of the simple joys of my life as a naturalist was that fact that I lived in a beautiful area to document: I could head out on a walk and always find new things to photograph and write about. The fields and forest now being desecrated were prominent on my trekking route and documenting the ebb and flow of the area's flora and fauna provided the impetus to get going in the morning. These days, it's painful to even look downhill, let alone walk by the natural disaster area. I guess I'll get through this, and I know I'll find other routes and areas to explore, chief among them, my immediate back yard. When I was outside today, listening to the chainsaws taking down yet more trees, I was hanging my head. But my eyes were open and what I spotted poking through the leaf litter brought a measure of joy: the first primroses of the year. Spring is really here... no April Fool's! And these, at least, I can nurture and protect.