The amphibian money shot

April 11, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Peeper amplexusPeeper amplexus

I have spent probably more time than I should admit watching animals copulating, and I guess that I'm so used to it that I no longer hesitate in the slightest to describe, to the folks I often have in tow, the sex act in all its wondrous and imaginative details. Parents, I suspect, appreciate my candor—or, at least, I hope they do. I didn't have anybody with me when I captured this photograph and, in truth, I didn't even realize what I had until I returned home and downloaded it. I couldn't believe my great luck. It's hard enough to get a picture of one Spring Peeper, since the bell-ringing frogs are tiny, cryptic, and hard to pinpoint, since they're ventriloquists. Here was, as they say in another imaging industry, the "money shot": two Spring Peepers in amplexus, which is to say, in the classic mating position—the larger female on the bottom and the smaller male on top—that is known, in our species, as, well, you know the term. I'm never been able to get such a photograph and it's going to be a shot I show off often. Don't blush. It's only natural. You were warned.


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