The baskettails

May 19, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Common baskettailCommon baskettail

The baskettails, a group of dragonflies that are nestled within the Emerald clan, are among the first odonates to take to the air, and while they're supposedly obscure and dull, I find them quite handsome, even endearing. These medium-sized odes, with their hairy thoraxes, lightly marked wings, and rather, to me, striking abdomens, which feature rectangular orange markings on most of the segments, are not quite unmistakeable, but they do have one habit of genuine note. They like to perch on white tee-shirts. The boghaunters have a similar predilection, but there'd be no confusing the two, based on habitat and appearance alone. The baskettails are also, well, as the name of this species would suggest, common—at least this species is, particularly, these days, in my yard, where Epitheca cynosura is currently holding court.



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