The rising of the green

May 02, 2015  •  1 Comment

Mayflower uprisingMayflower uprising

Canada Mayflowers aren't the first green to rise out of the ground—that honor would have to belong to the Skunk Cabbage—but these diminutive plants together form the first green carpet to grace the forest floor. Like the apparently misnamed Mayflies, the Mayflowers have been emerging in droves for about a week now and the green has grown steadily, well, greener. Soon enough, each little plant—the single leaf is no more than three inches tall—will be topped by a spike of delicate and tiny creamy white flowers, but until that happens, the Mayflowers offer another kind of beauty: a softly glowing backlit elegance in the late afternoon sun. You have to bend low to see this. It's worth the effort.


auntie beak(non-registered)
beautiful shot, bruce! i've been admiring these babies for a week or so now. hope you didn't get any ticks while you were getting the shot.
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