At the summit

June 26, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Luc-Stasia  Lantern HillLuc-Stasia Lantern Hill

It was a relatively fine day for a hike, and I didn't have to do much convincing to get my nephew Lucas and my granddaughter Stasia to accompany me up Lantern Hill. Luc had written a report on the local promontory and Stasia simply loved to climb to the top. She has become a regular mountain goat, and she no longer needs my help to make the ascent... or the descent, for that matter. In fact, on this trek, which was filled with questions about flora and fauna, particularly oak and maple leaves, toad skin lichens, and various mosses, Stasia led, and provided numerous instances of encouragement to her not-quite-as-agile-or-confident cousin. But in short order, we all reached the top, and then it was time for water, Wheat Thins, and, of course, being whackos. They both did fine on all accounts.


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