Beautiful plague

June 08, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Pasture beauty and menacePasture beauty and menace

You know that it's almost summer—proper, astronomical summer—when the hedgerows and the edges of the fields go white and the air is so sweet that breathing gets you high. The intoxicating culprit, of course, is neither alcohol, THC, nor any other kind of drug. Rather, blame bliss on roses, particularly the Multiflora Rose, which is blooming like mad and sending forth its spicy, no, make that heavenly, perfume everywhere imaginable. I haven't been able to determine precisely which chemical is responsible for the scent, but there are apparently around 300 different compounds that have been identified as contributing to rose aroma. Whatever the identity of the contributors, they are doing a splendid job, and, alas, so is the Multiflora, a horribly invasive species that can overrun the countryside. The individual blooms are small and beautiful, and they're capable of attracting a considerable number of pollinators to make sure there are plenty of rose hips in the fall to spread the Multiflora plague. I know I should rogue out the invaders, but I can't bring myself to do so quite yet. Perhaps my lack of will has to do with something in the air.


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