Amazing mating

July 13, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Laphria Asilids matingLaphria Asilids mating

I heard a loud buzzing before I saw the buzzer—or, as it turned out, buzzers, for what I spotted, when the critters in question landed nearby, were two linked insects that looked like bumblebees. By now, I can tell the mimics from the real things at a quick glance, and this pair clearly fell into the mimic category. I'm not sure precisely which Asilid species they belong to, but I know they're members of the Robber Fly genus Laphria, which is made up of the Bee-like Asilidae and includes a lot of ferocious ambush predators that look like faux hymenopterans designed by Stephen King. How the two managed to stay airborne is something that almost defies logic, since the mating pair, joined together at the abdomen, would be beating their wings in opposite directions as they flew. Maybe they take turns flapping, but however they do the job, they were cooperative subjects and hung around long enough to let me photograph them from every possible angle. Like veteran porn stars, they had no reservations about being observed in flagrante. Like the luminaries of the adult screen, they also got into the most imaginative position in creation.



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