Pelidnota on post

July 18, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Grapevine beetleGrapevine beetle

I'd seen plenty of Spotted Pelidnotas, those large but not especially showy members of the Scarab Beetle family, by the porch lights, but as near as I could determine, the cedar shingles at night were their sole habitat. This couldn't be true. If Pelidnota punctata, a.k.a. the Grapevine Beetle, came by its common name honestly and appropriately, I should certainly be seeing it often enough in the wild, where we're often awash in grape vines. Maybe we're just too awash in them and, since a beetle this large would not be wall-to-wall common, perhaps that accounts for why I'd never spotted this handsome critter in the right digs. That lack ended today when, as I walked past a grape vine, I saw something clinging to it: something big and spotted, and something in its proper place. The Pelidnota was starting in on its dinner, so I didn't want to inconvenience it too much. There would be mates to fertilize and eggs to lay later in the year, and these activities had to be fueled with foliage. So would its inevitable trips to the porch lights.



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