Above the fray sunset

September 09, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Boom Bridge sunsetBoom Bridge sunset

I'm not all that big on sunsets, but today, my first 24 hours post-Lyme-medication, was hot, sunny, and so busy that I didn't have a chance to get outside for a walk until dusk. That put something of a crimp on photography and natural history observations, so, while I walked fast enough to work up a welcome sweat in the sticky air, I looked around for image possibilities that would be possible to capture using my weatherproof Fuji, which I'd taken with me since there was a chance of thunderstorms. In the desert that our area has become, rain didn't develop, of course. In fact, the sky remained pretty clear, and the sunset was so pretty that I had to stop and take a picture. The image, I should add, is something of a lie. It looks beautifully bucolic, but that's because I aimed my camera above the fray—that is, above the abominable McMansion development that has destroyed the fields and forest across the street. This is how the natural world that was our neighborhood used to look before it was "improved."


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