Very merry Christmas

December 25, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Happiest xmasHappiest xmas

For years and years—now reaching 40—of my second mixed marriage, I, a rarely observant Reform Jew, not only didn't get Christmas, but I resented having to observe it. Spiritually, I still feel closer to the Menorah than the Tree, and, given my embrace of natural history, I suspect I have a special affinity with the Druids and the neo-pagans. However, I've made my peace with Yule, and, although I hope this doesn't cause grave-rolling among the ancestors, I've come to actually like the 25th. And when I look at the pure joy and excitement on my granddaughter's face, well, I may still be more into Judah Maccabbee than Jesus Christ, but I sure also get the secular part behind the celebration—the Christmas of family and the heart.


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