Feeding frenzy

October 05, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Bluefish feast, NapatreeBluefish feast, Napatree

When I was a lot younger and used to walk the autumn beaches, a fishing rod rather than a camera in hand—I might have a camera, too, but my primary goal was finding something piscine to eat—I would live for moments like this: moments when a group of hungry Bluefish would literally herd a school of smaller bait fish towards shore... and within reach of my less-than-stellar casting ability. In the feeding frenzy that developed, the water would boil and fish of every size would be leaping out of the sea, the larger Bluefish in hot pursuit of whatever prey they were chasing. I'd quickly cast my lure—something shiny would always do—into the fray, and in short order, I'd almost certainly have a Blue on the line. Today, this fine kettle of fish erupted no more than 30 feet from me, but all I hand in hand was the Sigma supertelephoto. Alas, no dinner tonight. Well, not for me, anyway. A creative "meal" would have to do.


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