Sanderlings presumably

November 17, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Shorebirds, NapatreeShorebirds, Napatree

I'm not alone in finding shorebird identification a non-stop challenge, and while I know there are plenty of tricks to making the task more manageable, I don't get out there on the shore often enough to achieve anything approaching mastery... particularly in the autumn and winter, when the sandpipers, plovers, and their ilk have molted their breeding finery and donned cold-weather drab. That admission of ignorance aside, I think, based on the overall amount of white on the belly, and the black leading edge of the wing, that these might be Sanderlings, the energetic shorebirds most commonly seen running from incoming wave foam right along the edge of the beach during the hard times now settling in for November and beyond. But it sure would be nice to get a second ID opinion... particularly, a second opinion from a bona fide pro.


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