Last corn stalks, Palmer's
Between cooking the feast and cleaning the house, I have not exactly had a lot of free time to hit the road, but, in the late afternoon, with a fair amount of food prep work done and the estate in decent enough shape to avoid snide comments and an invasion from the public health police, I went out for a quick hike through the local corn fields. There were a few Canada Geese searching for grain left behind by the silage operation, but, as the sun started going down, the scene was more one of lifelessness than life. This, of course, was perfectly appropriate: late autumn is nature's sunset, and the dried stalks of feed corn, now rattling wind flags, are a symbol of this long. albeit temporary, sleep. Any weedy reflections were temporary for me, as well. Just after I captured this somber scene, I pushed my legs back into high gear. It was too chilly to linger. Besides, there was more cooking and cleaning to do. Time and Thanksgiving waits for no naturalist.