Catching air

December 09, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Stasia leaping, HomeStasia leaping, Home

Joy of joys: despite the fact that we had to make the long schlep up to coastal New Hampshire to pick up my granddaughter Stasia, we now have her for the weekend. It was too cold and windy to head up to our usual spot, Lantern Hill, for a hike, but she had another outdoor idea, which was to rake the remaining leaves on the lawn into a large pile and do what kids, including elderly kids, possess the genetic imperative to do. So she ran at top speed, then she leaped. No sooner had she landed, laughing hysterically, than she suggested I join her. I didn't need much persuasion, but Stasia, alas, isn't yet ready to grab the camera to record the scene. You'll just have to believe me. At 66, I can still catch air, although, I have to admit, the landing is a bit harder than it used to be.


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