Winter's calling card

December 05, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

First real snow, YannatosFirst real snow, Yannatos

The warning flags went up on the the Weather Channel last night and they included the S word, as in measurable snow. That said, this was not a dire prediction of an impending blizzard but rather, a call for genuine white on the ground. This certainly came true, and when I looked out over the sunrise morning, there were places where the leaf litter was actually blanketed with snow. I thought about getting the cross-country skis out of their storage rack, but by the time I had gotten dressed, had coffee, gone through the rounds of daily preparations, and stopped coughing, the snow had turned to a steady rain, the temperature had inched towards 40, and the white had started to disappear. When the rain slowed, I walked towards the millpond, my dependable waterproof Fuji in hand, to capture the half-snow scenery. Mark today as the time winter announced its arrival, even though the calendar would suggest we're not quite there yet.


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