Recycling center

February 21, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Recycling crew, dump roadRecycling crew, dump road

So why did the Turkey Vulture cross the road? Well, to get to the carrion at the other side... Drum roll, please... OK, this is not grist for any stand-up mill, but rather the summation of a scene that my grand-daughter and I encountered en route to a hike. A Turkey Vulture, along with a couple of companions, was stopping traffic as it calmly walked towards a deceased Opossum on the asphalt. Usually, when I drive by such a grisly gathering, the recyclers amble out of the way. Not this time. The vultures barely moved from the vicinity of the roadkill they'd laid claim to and instead forced us to pull almost off the street to pass by the birds as they returned to their unpleasant but necessary work. "Gross," said Stasia, who watched the scene with equal parts disgust and amazement.


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