Uncommon commoner

February 10, 2016  •  1 Comment

Blue Jay return, homeBlue Jay return, home

I don't know where the Blue Jays have been all winter, but they sure haven't been hanging around my backyard, where the draw, in the past, was always a full suet feeder. While that feeder has remained packed with beef fat all winter, the jays have shunned it... until today. Why the sudden appearance in a light snow is a mystery, but no sooner did I hear the familiar "jay... jay..." call, than I noticed that brilliant flash of blue as the jaunty birds flew in to gobble down a calorie-packed meal. There were at least three of them, and, I'm guessing, they'll be spreading the word. It's just possible that, in short order, they'll be common again.


Jane Maxson(non-registered)
They're such bullies. Chase all the little guys away.
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