Courtship dance

March 23, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

GreatBlue symmetry, HenneGreatBlue symmetry, Henne

It was a wonderfully warm day, and though I spent much of it indoors writing—virtuous me—I did eventually decide that I'd accomplished enough to reward myself twice... with a bike ride and a trek.My destination was the Henne wetland, and I definitely had a reason. A few days ago, I'd visited to see if the Great Blue Herons had arrived and when I started downhill towards the observation boardwalk, there was indeed one stately bird in one of the rickety-appearing nests in the center of the marsh. The GBH, however, was too skittish to stay for a portrait, and it never returned while I was there that day. Luck was more on my side this afternoon. To be sure, the heron couple was in their nest and making home repairs, and they had plenty of company, with several other newly returned GBHs checking out the other four addresses in the rookery. But while this pair greeted me in perfect symmetry, their choice of precise location was less than ideal. I suppose I could erase that offending branch and then meticulously clone back the missing parts of the bird. It would certainly be a good exercise of Photoshop skills, but, as a famous politician once allegedly said, it would be wrong. Reality is going to have to be right enough.


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