Pussy (willows) Galore

February 29, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Willow catkins, Blue HillsWillow catkins, Blue Hills

Not to date myself too much, but I came of age in the James Bond era, and saw Goldfinger when it was first released in 1964. Of course, my favorite character was the luridly named "Pussy Galore," and, at the time, I thought that if there was a God in heaven, Honor Blackman would be walking into my life. OK, I was 14 at the time, and I'd like to think that I've matured since then... at least somewhat. But I have to admit, with a chuckle, mind you, that every time I see pussy willow catkins start emerging, I think back to the Bond heroine and smile. These willow catkins—they're not Salix discolor, the true American pussy willow, but I'm not certain of their identity—are the vanguard of the Salix blossoming, and the "furry" flowers, each wrapped in a cold-protective coat, will soon be the object of folks looking for this sure sign of impending spring. Perhaps the guy collectors of a certain age will share a similar recollection... and smile.


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