The beginning of the end... hopefully

April 25, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Gypsy emergence, homeGypsy emergence, home

I took advantage of a fabulous "daily deal" at the B&H Photo website and bought a bargain-priced ringlight that, I hoped, would enable me to take shadowless closeup shots of all sorts of plants and animals. In looking for test subjects, I noticed that the Gypsy Moth eggs deposited last summer were starting to hatch. This is scary, of course, because there will soon be millions of hungry caterpillars looking for emerging tree leaves, starting with the oaks, to defoliate. With any luck, we'll have wet and cool weather for a while and this will trigger the growth of a Lymantria dispar-killing fungus that is lying in wait for the horrible larvae, a fixture in our woods since their accidental liberation in the nineteenth-century. The ringlight certainly did a fine job of illuminating the awful scene, but I'm not sure what to do about those halo reflections, technically known as specular highlights, that the light creates in caterpillar eyes and any other shiny surface. These gypsies are certainly not angelic.


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