Dogwood season

May 06, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Dogwood in bloom, WyassupDogwood in bloom, Wyassup

The dreary, cool, threatening-wet weather continues, and it has really played hob with my walking schedule... particularly my hope of finding Hepaticas in bloom. But it looked like I might have an hour-or-so relatively dry window, so, after a quick run to the dump, I stopped off at the gate to the Narragansett Trail, a place I'd heard might harbor those early-spring plants that have entranced me for so many years. It turns out that I was on the wrong section of the Trail—I was heading north when I should have been heading south—and that the forecast was not quite right, since after about a half-hour of walking it started to rain. But the trip was hardly in vain, since I did trek through a section of Dogwoods in full bloom. The flowers were low and close, and the light was, however grim for walking, perfect for Dogwood portraits. Clearly, wrong turns can turn out quite right.


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