Happy 66, BF, KDs
Today marked another birthday, and while I'll be coy about the exact number, let's just say that Social Security considers it a milestone. I think my arthritis would agree. Praise be, it featured a gathering with my kids and grandkids, and a wonderful feast. In the spirit of the recently past Passover, the word "Dayenu"—the title of that special Sedar song translated as "it would have been enough"—comes immediately to mind, and while new camera gear would have been a nice present, the real gift, besides having everyone together, was presented to me on a morning walk in which I found an unusual mushroom growing in a patch of Sphagnum moss and Canada Mayflowers. It may be one of the Entolomas, but I'm not sure, and so I've had to do a lot of research and calling to come up with an ID. The twin gifts of mystery and curiosity...for a naturalist, what could be better?
Mystery mushroom, Bell Cedar