The first Luna emergence

May 26, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Luna moth, HomeLuna moth, Home

In order to participate in a natural history assessment walk in the late afternoon, I spent most of the day inside to finish a writing project. Then, in an episode of supreme irony, I couldn't find the place I was supposed to help assess. Missing out on a beautiful outdoors day was pretty frustrating, but, even though this photograph required only a trek out the back door, it was as wonderfully rewarding as if it came on an arduous march. I actually spotted the large fluttering shadow when I'd gone out to lock the car, and I thought what I knew had been a big silkmoth had vanished until I discovered it on the ground. It was a Luna Moth, the first one of the year, and a male. You can tell this by the oversized feathery antennae, which are designed to detect minute amounts of pheromones released by females signaling their readiness for a mate. My guess is that this guy just left the cocoon and needs to gather his strength in order to fly better—and accomplish his important mission.


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