GBH mom and chicks, Henne
Another day, another pretty amateurish composite. I was at the Henne Preserve with the Sigma, which, praise be and my good friend, I still have on loan. I had the great good fortune of capturing images of a very cooperative Yellow Warbler and a Red-winged Blackbird, but I've featured both in this space so, in the high hope of coming up with something new, I scanned the Great Blue Heron nests that, because of the presence of a pair of Osprey, have been relegated to the far shore. I think there are now three active GBH nests, and, as irony would have it, I'm not at all sure the Fish Hawks were successful in their breeding attempt. But the GBHs seem to have done OK, and when I looked at the images, sure enough, there were fuzzy babies. I can spot two in this nest, and while the image is less than clear—I didn't have a tripod with me—the youngsters are clearly not newly hatched. My best guess is that they're more than a couple of weeks old, and they're definitely getting enough to eat. Good work, GBH parents. Good work.